2023 was a great year for Rockford
Happy almost-New Years, Rockford! 2024 is right around the corner, but before we sing Auld Lang Syne, I wanted to congratulate the...

What's really going on with the Barber-Colman deal: A call to action
In the history of my time in Rockford, which is approximately 35 years, I can remember very few projects that have elicited this type of...

Demand RVC locate Education Center in Southwest Rockford
As the nation has been gripped by daily protests against the murders of Black men, women, and children by the hands of the state;...

Rockford, continue your transformation; Vote Yes for Home Rule
If there’s one thing Rockford has a stereotype for it’s saying no to really transformative projects and ideas. Historically, we’ve been...

Debunking anti-home rule arguments
As Rockford votes tomorrow, proponents and opponents of home rule alike are pulling out all the stops to get their message across. ...

See Rockford photo competition winners, help save library’s mosaics
Only a handful of people have seen the full slate of winning entries in the inaugural Focus Rockford photo competition. Most of them are...

The economic and social argument for strengthening downtown's urban form
On Tuesday, I posted an article about the proposed Kelley-Williamson gas station in downtown Rockford. In it, I criticized the proposal...

Downtown gas station proposal needs to be fixed, prioritize the community
On Monday, Rockford City Council’s Code & Regulation committee pushed forward a plan to put a Kelly-Williamson gas station and car wash...

Rockford Needs a City Flag
Walk into any college dorm, apartment, or local business in and around Chicago and you’ll likely find a common feature: the Chicago flag....

Add your input to the potential design and development of Madison Street
Downtown Madison Street is fast becoming a destination in this community. From our renovated brewhouse to our redeveloped Sports...